Hey everyone!
Today, I wanted to share a really fun & special moment that happened back in May: the moment I held and saw my book Wild Wonder for the very first time!
I was back home in Arkansas when I got an email from my editor asking for an address to send a “long-anticipated package.” So I had her ship it to my sister’s house and eagerly awaited for a few days. Once it arrived, my heart started pounding! Two years of writing, curating, editing, and waiting—to finally be able to see the fruit of my labor! It was an incredibly surreal experience.
Enjoy! (And thanks for indulging me. LOL)
Surprising the Family
One thing you must know about me: I LOVE SURPRISES! Most of my family does, too. So I thought I’d have a little fun with a few of them and surprise them with their own personal book reveal.
I didn't let any of them know about the book arriving, which was even a surprise to me that week. I’m so glad that I just happened to be in Northwest Arkansas when the publisher was ready to ship it to me. I couldn’t have orchestrated it any better! And I’m so grateful that I was able to make this memory with some of my family.
I threw together a little montage of the moments I surprised my sister Mary Claire & her family, and my cousins, Kelly & Kyle. It was both thrilling and emotional, especially when they turned to the dedication page, which is in memory of my mom.
Pre-Order Gift Reminder 😉
Just a friendly little reminder that Wild Wonder is available for pre-order! And for those who do pre-order, I’ll send you an exclusive gift: a digital wallpaper collection + early access to “Music for Wild Wonder”, a playlist I’ve curated as a sort of soundtrack for the book.
Simply go to proktr.com/book, scroll down to the bottom, and fill out the form and include your proof of purchase.

Wild Wonder will be available on September 3rd wherever books are sold. And I can’t wait to take you on this adventure!
Peace be with you,
Stephen Proctor
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