It’s hard to believe, but in exactly one month from today, “Wild Wonder” will be released into the wild!!!
To cast a little more vision & to keep the momentum going for pre-orders, I created this two-minute trailer that I hope you’ll enjoy. I definitely enjoyed making it! Special thanks to composer Jordan Critz for donating the soundtrack, “Aperture”, which was fitting in so many ways.
Reserve your copy today by placing a pre-order through your favorite book retailer. And not to sound like a broken record, but if you pre-order the book, I’ll send you an exclusive gift of digital wallpapers & early access to a music playlist curated for the book!

Simply click on the button below, order from your retailer of choice, then fill out the form at the bottom of the page with a proof of purchase.
Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm & support as the Waterbrook + Ink & Willow team and I get the word out! ONE MONTH TO GO… LET’S GO!!!
Peace be with you,
P.S. So many of you have asked how you can get a signed copy! Nothing would thrill me more than you see you in person & personalize your own book. There are a few opportunities that can help make this happen, at least for a handful of you.
While I don’t have details to share yet, I can give you a heads-up on a mini book tour that is in the works! If you’re in or near one of these places, I’d love to see you & sign your book!
Sept 3 (Launch Day!): North Bank Books in Stevenson, WA
Sept 5: Broadway Books in Portland, OR
Early October: SoCal tour (Carlsbad, Pasadena, Riverside)
Late October: Nashville/Franklin, TN
Early November: Wynne, AR (my hometown!) & hopefully Northwest Arkansas
I’ll share more details as we get closer!
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